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2024年12月4日読了時間: 3分
Ardor Learning Announces Language Training Partnership with Phoenix Capital in Italy
The partnership between Phoenix Capital and Ardor Learning will offer learners in Italy a greater level of context and applicability

2024年8月21日読了時間: 5分
How to make your language program a success
Maximizing Language Learning Success: The Crucial Role of Motivation, Tutor Assistance, and Administrative Support This post was...

2023年2月27日読了時間: 1分
The promise and perils of education technology.
Technology is a great gift. Our life is significantly different today than it was in the early nineties. The advent of the world wide web...

2023年2月27日読了時間: 1分
English - the language that brings people together.
History is replete with random events that create consequences for the world. The British Empire which at its zenith encompassed a vast...

2023年2月27日読了時間: 1分
Relationships not transactions
We must rethink how we work with customers and team members. Different cultures work in different ways. Several cultures focus on...

2023年2月27日読了時間: 1分
Open AI and Chat GPT.. implications for language learning.
This is an exciting time we live in. The next generation of Artificial Intelligence technologies are being made available to users and we...

2022年10月26日読了時間: 2分
Ardor Learning Announces Language Training Partnership in the Middle East
26 October 2022 – Dubai, UAE | SaveFast, a Dubai-based provider of mandated and elective Health and Safety Training services, has...

2022年8月9日読了時間: 2分
5 Common English Mistakes that Make You Look Less Smart
English is a complicated language with a lot of rules to follow. There are some mistakes even native English speakers regularly make, and...

2022年7月19日読了時間: 2分
The Open English Dictionary
How do words get added to the English dictionary? What does it mean when a word is added to the dictionary? How many words are in the...

2022年7月15日読了時間: 1分
July 2022 Newsletter
What's New, links to Industry News and Interesting Articles, and Featured Blog Posts Read online here

2022年7月14日読了時間: 3分
New Education Technology Partnership Offers Opportunity for Students and Employees in India
14 July 2022 | Amaravati, India — Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC), Saadhana Technology Solutions & Ardor...

2022年7月12日読了時間: 3分
Code Switching for Business: From Plain English to Professional English
It can be particularly challenging for English language learners to strike the right tone when writing business communications. In this...

2022年7月4日読了時間: 3分
Girlboss: What this brand name can teach you about workplace etiquette
Girlboss is a catchy phrase in English, and in addition to being an identifiable brand name, it has caught on as a sort of cultural...

2022年6月27日読了時間: 1分
English is Full of Contradictions
There are many sayings in English that are inherent contradictions, where two words that have opposite meanings come together to form a...

2022年6月27日読了時間: 5分
How to Make Learning Stick: Using Your New Language Skills at Work
In this article, we share useful tips for finding or creating situations in the workplace that can boost your confidence and improve your...

2022年6月21日読了時間: 1分
Heteronyms: Just when you thought English was easy!
The English language is full of curiosities that make it one of the most difficult languages to learn. When a word is spelled one way but...

2022年6月20日読了時間: 5分
How Training Managers Can Increase Language Training Program ROI
Training managers play a critical role in the success of every language program. In this article, Ardor Learning offers some practical...

2022年6月16日読了時間: 1分
June 2022 Newsletter
Inside Ardor, What's New, links to Industry News and Interesting Articles, and Featured Blog Posts Read online here

2022年6月13日読了時間: 1分
English Idioms: Using Body Parts as Verbs
Try these phrases to sound more like a native speaker! You can "head" a company, but if things go wrong you'll have to "shoulder" the...

2022年6月9日読了時間: 3分
Feeling Stuck? Try this for extra motivation when learning English
Lots of great tips for learners who feel stuck.
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